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Recent Developments in Archaeology in the Romsey area

In the last few years a number of developments have been made in local archaeology


1. Ground Penetrating Radar Survey in Romsey Abbey 2019 Click here for pdf file of full report


2. Dating of burial with preserved hair.  Click here to download pdf file of report 


3. Saxon timbers found in the Fishlake.  Click here for details


4. Saxon Spearhead rediscovered in Romsey Abbey. Click here for details


5. Stylus redated to Saxon period. Click here to download pdf file

6. Radio carbon dating of the charcoal associated with the iron smelting. Click here to download pdf file of results. 

                                                                                                     Click here for details of the dating of the iron smelting

Website created by:

Jane Powell

Mary Harris

Karen Anderson

Romsey and the Lower Test Valley
in the Saxon Era.
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Romsey Local History Society
is part of the LTVAS Group

(The Lower Test Valley Archaeological Study Group).
LTVAS Group is a registered charity No. 271293

The Town Hall Basement 
1 Market Place, Romsey
Hants. SO51 8YZ

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