Anglo-Saxon Romsey and the Lower Test Valley

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Anglo-Saxon Charters
The table below lists the Saxon land grant charters that have been studied during the project. All apply to land east of the Test - no charters have survived for the western part of the study area. Each of these charters includes a boundary clause, a point-to-point description of the landmarks that defined the boundary of the land that was the subject of the grant. The process of ‘solving’ a charter involves translating the Old English boundary clause and identifying the location of each landmark in the present-day landscape.

The text of the charters, along with references, is available in an online catalogue. Each charter is identified by its Sawyer number.
Electronic Sawyer:
Another useful website - Old English Translator:
Details of our analysis of the individual charter boundaries can be found by clicking on the name below:
Chilcomb and Ampfield (Ticcensfelda)

The project Charter Group - Jane Powell, Karen Anderson and Mary Harris - investigating the Bishop's Bank.
Photo by Roger Harris.
Charter boundaries poster by Mary Harris and Karen Anderson.
Click to download as a pdf file

Romsey Charter boundary poster by Mary Harris
Click to download as a pdf file