Anglo-Saxon Romsey and the Lower Test Valley

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Saxon Timbers in the Fishlake.
by Mary Harris
During the recent work on the Romsey Flood Alleviation scheme a new sluice was built near the start of the Fishlake where it leaves the main channel of the Test. As the channel was cleared by a mechanical digger it was noticed that two pieces of timber had been picked up in the bucket. The timber was clearly old and the conditions of the contract meant that the contractors needed to have the timbers analysed. A dendrochronological expert was employed to try to date the timbers but the patterns of the tree rings could not matched against the master sequence. An alternative method of dating, using carbon-14 analysis gave dates of 600-658 cal AD and 639-706 cal AD.

Excavation of the riverbed, Fishlake Stream flood control structure looking North East
Unfortunately these dates could be wrong by several centuries from the felling date of the timbers depending on exactly which part of the timber was sampled. Moreover, because the timbers were found in the base of the Fishlake channel they must have originally been in place further upstream. The date of the timbers does not, therefore, give a date for the building of the Fishlake because they could easily have been washed out of position and travelled downstream long after their original felling and erection. However, it does show that people in the Test Valley at this time were building some structure in or alongside the Test, perhaps a bridge or causeway, a little upstream of this point. This could be a bridge on the site of Old Timsbury Bridge. It is possible that the exact line of the channel of the Test and Faibourne in this area may have been slightly different at the time but the boundary of the estate of Romsey Abbey described in the 10th century charter suggests that both the watercourses and the boundary of Romsey Infra were similar to their present courses.
Photos from the
Romsey Flood Alleviation Scheme, Romsey, Hampshire

Saxon piles from stream bed in flow control stucture location. Scales: 1m and 0.3m